DE: Rebhuhnastrild, NL: Patrijsastrilde, FR: Astrild-caille à face noire, ES: Estrilda Codorniz Africano,
IT: Astro quaglia africano, PT: Estrilda codorniz, DK: Agerhønerastrild, SW: Vaktelastrild,
NO: Vaktelastrild, FI: Töpöpeippo, PL: Trawinek zmienny, CZ: Astrild cernohrdlý, HU: Fürjasztrild
Ortygospiza atricollis
Ortygospiza atricollis atricollis
Ortygospiza a.ansorgei
Ortygospiza a. ugandae
Species with a white face are not more subspecies of O. atricollis; they are now classified as Ortygospiza fuscocrissa
Origin: Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Mali, Chad, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya
Length: 10 cm.

Black-faced Quailfinch
Food: The food taken by quailfinches consists of seeds of grass and small seeds of other plants. Sometime they eatfallen fruits and small insects as well
The shown birds at the picture are young. The have to mould in adult plumage. They are typical ground dwellers who live in pairs or in small groups. They move about scurrying or running, as if in a hurry. When frightened they fly most vertical up, then land at some distance. I didn’t breeding them.