DE: Wienerastrild, NL: Wienerastrilde, FR: Beaumarquet à dos jaune,
ES: Pinzón de Alas Anaranjadas, IT: Astro aliarancio, PT: Pitília de asas de laranja,
DK: Wienerastrild, SW: Wienerastrild, NO: Oransjevingeastrild, FI: Kultasiipipeippo,
PL: Melba zlotoskrzydla, CZ: Astrild Wieneruv, HU: Szürketorkú asztrild
Pytilia afra
No subspecies
Origin: Angola, Congo, D. R. Congo (Zaïre), Uganda, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South-Africa.
Length: 12 cm.

Orange-winged Pytilia (male)

Orange-winged Pytilia (female)
Food: Just like other birds of the same genus, the principal food of the Orange-winged Pytilia are small seeds, of grasses and other plants. These are found predominantly on the ground. They also eat insects, especially termites. During the first few days, they feed their young predominantly with insects.
Very nice and quite birds to keep, also in a aviary, but never more then one pair. Pairing goes very easy and I never had problems with thes birds. In the resting period do not put more males in one cage. They kill each other. No problems together with other species.
It is remarkable that these and other pytilias sometimes die without any reason.

Orange-winged Pytilias – 5 young ones, 12 days old

Orange-winged Pytilias – Female and two young ones three weeks old