DE: Senegalamarant, NL: Senegalamarant (Vuurvink), FR: Amarante du Sénégal,
ES: Pinzón Candela de Pico Rojo, IT: Amaranto beccorosso, PT: Amarante de bico vermelho,
DK: Amarant, SW: Rödnäbbad amarant, NO: Rødnebbamarant. FI: Ruusupeippo,
PL: Amarantka czerwonodzioba, CZ: Amarant malý, HU: Vörös amarant, TR: Kızıl gagalı ateş ispinozu
Lagonosticta senegala
Origin: D.R. Congo (Zaire), Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi
Length: 10 cm.
Picture: Subspecie Lagonosticta senegala ruberrima

Red-billed Firefinch (male)

Red-billed Firefinch (female)
Food: Grass seeds, small seeds of other wild vegetation and millet from agricultural crop. The birds also eat insects. Especially when raising their young they take increased amounts of insects, mostly termites and little spiders which they find in abundance.
Red-billed Firefinches are somewhat comparable to sparrows in that they appear wherever any food is to be had, even in the vicinity of humans.

Red billed Firefinches L. s. ruberrima