I am Tony Jochem from The Netherlands, bird watcher, keeper and breeder of Estrildid Finches and author of two books about these nice little birds.
E-mail: t.jochem@avitoon.nl
Estrildids are, in my opinion, the most beautiful finches on earth. They live in Africa, South East Asia, Oceania and Australia. In many countries it is prohibited to import birds. This is the case for most European countries. To keep them for the aviculture, it is necessary to breed them in captivity. Many species are already lost because breeding them is difficult.
Advisor Avibase – Taxonomy of the Birds of the World 2018. (see pag. 694)
This website
In the past I have bred dozens of these beautiful intelligent birds of many different species, like: Granatina’s, Cordon bleus, Amandavas, Firefinches, Waxbills, Twinspots, Pytilias, Seedcrackers, Firetails, Grasfinches, Parrotfinches and Lonchuras.
I’d like to share the knowledge and experiences that I collected during many, many years. On this website you’ll find a part of this knowledge. Besides this website I wrote the following two books (neither one is available anymore):