DE: Schwarzbauchamarant, NL: Zwartbuikamarant (Zwartbuikvuurvink),
FR: Amarante à ventre noir, ES: Pinzón Candela de Vientre Negro, IT: Amaranto ventrenero,
PT: Amarante de barriga preta, DK: Sortbuget Amarant, SW: Svartbukad amarant,
NO: Svartbukamarant, FI: ruohikkoruusupeippo, PL: Amarantka czarnobrzucha,
CZ: Amarant cernobrichý, HU: Feketehasú amarant
Lagonosticta rara
Lagonosticta rara rara,
Lagonosticta r. forbesi
Origin: Cameroon, Sudan, Centr.Afr. Rep, Uganda, Kenya, Sierra Leone
Length: 10 cm.

Black-bellied Firefinch (male)

Black-bellied Firefinch (female)
Food: The birds find their food on the ground, mainly grass seeds, millet and other small seeds. They also eat insects now and then. When raising their young they take increased amounts of insects, which they feed to the nestlings.
Outside the breeding period the birds roam the savannahs in pairs or in small groups, often together with the Dark Firefinch, in search of food. Their preferred roosting place is a sheltered spot near to the ground.