DE: Elfenastrild, NL: Elfenastrilde, FR: Astrild à moustaches noires, ES: Astrild de Mejillas Negras,
IT: Astrilde guancenere, PT: Bico de lacre de face -pretas, DK: Alfeastrild, SW: Älvastrild,
NO: Alveastrild, FI: Naamiovahanokka, PL: Astryld czarnolicy, CZ: Astrild rudobrichý,
HU: Feketearcú asztrild, TR: Kara yanaklı mumgaga
Estrilda erythronotos
Estrilda erythronotos erythronotos
Estrilda e. delamerei
Estrilda e. soligena
Origin: Zimbabwe, Botswana, South-Africa, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania
Length: 12-13 cm.

Black-cheeked Waxbill (male)

Black-cheeked Waxbill (female)
Food: They feed on various seeds, including grass seeds, which they pick both from the plants and from the ground. They love acacia buds and flowers. They also eat fruits, as well as insects now and then. When they have young to feed, they catch more insects.
These are alert and lively birds, but may also keep quiet. In nature, out of the breeding season they live in pairs or in small family groups, sometimes in larger groups, looking for food. During the breeding season couples separate from the others.