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Blue-capped Cordon-bleu

DE: Blaukopfschmetterlingsfink, NL: Blauwkopastrilde (Blauwkopblauwfazantje),
FR: Cordonbleu cyanocéphale, ES: Cordón Azul de Capa Azul, IT: Cordon blu dal cappuccio,
PT: Azulhino de cabeça azul, DK: Blåhovedet Sommerfuglefinke, SW: Blåhuvad fjärilsfink,
NO: Blåhodeastrild,  FI: Sinipääpeippo, PL: Motylik blekitnoglowy, CZ: Motýlek modrohlavý,
HU: Kékfejű pillangópinty, TR: Küçük mavi mumgaga

Uraeginthus cyanocephalus

No subspecies

Origin: Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania.

Length: 13-14 cm.

Blue-capped Cordon-bleu (male)

Blue-capped Cordon-bleu (male)

Blue-capped Cordon-bleu (female)

Blue-capped Cordon-bleu (female)









Food: For this species, too, grass seeds form the main ingredient on the menu. However, they are not choosy and also at millet and other seeds. They are often seen in the middle of the villages, scratching for food. Sometimes they eat ripe fruits, and from time to time they also catch insects, mostly termites.

These birds are shyer than others of its species. They usually fly rather low, from bush to bush, often in pairs or as families.

5 young ones, 9 days old

5 young Blue capped Cordon bleus, 9 days old

Young ones in first moulting

Young Blue capped Cordon bleus in first moulting


Blue capped Cordon bleus, parents