DE: Gouldamadine, NL: Gouldamadine, FR: Diamant de Gould, ES: Pinzón de Gould,
IT:Diamante di Gould, PT: Diamante de gould, DK: Gouldsamadine, SW: Gouldsamadin,
NO: Gouldamadin, FI: Harlekiinipeippo, PL:amadyniec, CZ: Amadina Gouldavé,
UK: Gould-amandina, TR: Gökkuşağı ispinozu
Erythura gouldiae
Erythrura gouldia gouldia (Black-headed Gouldian Finch)
Erythrura g. mirabilis (Red-headed Gouldian Finch)
Erythrura g. arminitia (Orange-headed Gouldian Finch)
Origin: Australia: Kimberland, Arnhemland, Northern territory, Cape York
Length: 12 cm

Gouldian Finch (male)

Gouldian Finch – blue mutation (male)
Food: During the rainy season they eat seeds of various grasses. In times of drought they try to survive on meagre supplies of the annual grass called sorghum, which they find in the desert. They also eat termites, especially when they have young.
Very friendly little birds which together search for food and water and also roost together. They breed in colonies.
Regarding the Gouldian Finches, it should be noted that there are three subspecies, which the older literature referred to as Chloebia gouldiae, Chloebia mirabilis and Chloebia armitinia. In other words, they used to be classified as three different species of the genus Chloebia. At a later stage, however, a re-classification was introduced, as a result of which these names were abolished.
After the latest review (2003), the Checklist now includes these birds as one species, called Erythrura gouldiae. Moreover, all three naturally occur as such, in other words, one is not dealing with mutants resulting from breeders’ activities. Therefore it makes sense to consider them as true subspecies and this is reflected in their new names, where the subspecies names derive from the colour of the head:
Erythrura gouldia gouldia for Black-headed Gouldian Finch
Erythrura gouldia mirabilis for Red-headed Gouldian Finch
Erythrura gouldia armitinia for Orange-headed Gouldian Finch
Mutations, like the blue gouldian finch on the picture are not taxonomic classified.

Gouldian Finches – Young ones 3 days old

Gouldian Finches – Young ones 21 days old

Gouldian Finches – 4-8 weeks old