DE: Lauchgrüne Papageiamadine, NL: Indische nonpareil, FR: Diamant quadricolore,
ES: Pinzón Loro de Cola Aguda, IT: Diamante quadricolore, PT: Diamante de rabo fino,
DK: Løggrøn Papegøjeamadine, SW: Lökgrön papegojamadin, NO: Nålhaleamadin,
FI: Sateenkaaripeippo, PL: Papuzik ostrosterny, CZ: Amada modrolící,
HU: Indiai papagájamandina
Erythrura prasina
Erythrura prasina prasina
Erythrura p. hauthi
Erythrura p. coelica
Origin: Myanmar (Burma), Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, the Indonesian Islands Sumatra, Java, Eastern Sunda-Islands Timor, Wetar, Damar, Babar, en Tanimbar
Length: 15 cm

Pin-tailed Parrotfinch (male)

Pin-tailed Parrotfinch (female)
Food: These birds feed on bamboo seeds, rice and various grass seeds. Because not all species of bamboo flower at the same time, these parrotfinches have a nomadic pattern of life. For rice farmers a visit by these birds is often disastrous. The birds pick the half-ripe seeds out of the spikes and go on until the field is depleted.
Rather shy birds which form groups to seek their food in rice paddies. The groups tend to flock together, sometimes forming enormous swarms.