DE: Granatastrild, NL: Granaatastrilde, FR: Cordonbleu grenadin, ES: Granadero Común,
IT: Garantino comune, PT: Granadairo de bochechas violeta, DK: Granatastrild,
SW: Granatastrild, NO: Granatastrild, FI: Oorvokkipeippo, PL: Motylik fioletowouchy,
CZ: Motýlek granátový, HU: Gránátpinty, TR: Mor kulaklı mumgaga
Granatina granatina
Granatina granatina granatina
Granatina g. retusus
Granatina g. siccatus
(The older scientific name is Uraeginthus granatina)
Origin: Angola, Zambia, Botswana, South-Africa, Mozambique.
Length: 14 cm. (6 cm of this length is tail)

Violet-eared Waxbill (male)

Violet-eared Waxbill (female)
Food: Seeds of grasses and of various other plants, supplemented by termites, which are in abundance here. Sometimes they eat fruits. The young initially are fed with lots of insects.
This species are no colony birds, definitely not. They always live in pairs. The juveniles hang together until they have their adult colouring (after about 3 months), after which they disperse, or even start looking already for a partner for the next breeding season.

Violet-eared Waxbills – 4 young ones, 12 days old

Violet-eared Waxbills – Pair with 4 young ones, 3 weeks old