DE: Gelbe Schilffink, NL: Gele rietvink, FR: Capucin à croupion jaune,
ES: Capuchino de Cola Amarilla, IT: Cino codagialla, PT: Capuchinho di sobre amarelo,
DK: Gul Sivfinke, SW: Gulstjärtad munia, NO: Gyllennonne, FI: sitruunamanikki,
PL: Mniszka nadobna CZ: Panenka žlutobrichá, HU: Fehérfejű nádipinty
Lonchura flaviprimna
No subspecies
Origin: West Australia and Arnhemland, Australië
Length: 11 cm.

Yellow-rumped Munias (pair, male left)

Yellow-rumped Munia (female)
Food: Seeds of grass and sedge (reed grass), wild and cultivated rice
They are colony birds, like most munias. They occur often in the company of Chestnut breasted Munias. They build their nests in each other’s neighbourhood and crossbreeding has also been observerd in the wild.